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Disciplinary Procedures


Teachers in the classroom or supervisory personnel on campus are responsible for handling normal classroom disciplinary problems. Some of the alternatives available to the teachers are detention as discussed below, parent conferences, and counseling referrals. 

The classroom teacher uses the conduct/citizenship comments on the report card to reflect the adequacy of behavior in the classroom. These conduct/citizenship comments on the student report card are also used to determine the behavioral eligibility of students in co-curricular programs and are as follows:

Comment G: The student’s classroom conduct/citizenship habits are GOOD.

Comment C: The student sometimes needs CORRECTION.

Comment N: Conduct/citizenship habits NEED IMPROVEMENT.

Comment U: Conduct/citizenship habits are UNSATISFACTORY.

A classroom teacher will give the comment “N” if any of these statements apply. The student:

  • is frequently being reprimanded for talking or otherwise disrupting class.
  • is often out of the assigned seat without permission.
  • has been repeatedly corrected for throwing items in class.
  • uses foul or otherwise inappropriate language in class.
  • is generally disrespectful or challenging to the teacher. (Disrespect involving profanity or threatening statements is a dean matter liable to suspension or immediate dismissal and, therefore, out of the realm of this procedure.) 
  • is disrespectful or inappropriate towards other students.
  • is disrespectful or inconsiderate of others during prayer service.
  • is often found to be chewing gum or eating in the classroom.
  • received a detention for three unexcused tardies and continues to be late to class without authorization.

A teacher who gives the comment “N” has given a teacher detention for the objectionable classroom behavior and has contacted the parents concerning the behavior. In spite of these steps, the student has not improved or the behavior has worsened. A teacher who gives the comment “U” has given a comment of “N” on the previous report card and has made the Dean of Discipline familiar with the behavioral situation by submitting multiple Reports of Misconduct to the dean concerning the behavior.

In addition, receiving more than one comment “N” and/or a comment “U” on the report card will effect a student’s eligibility to participate on any athletic team, performance group or activity group. These comments will also affect a student’s eligibility to run for a student government office or hold the office once elected, and a student’s eligibility to try out for Pep Squad, or participate on the Pep Squad if already a member. 

To facilitate growth in needed areas, continuous violations of minor infractions in the classroom, or single instances of more serious infractions, may ultimately involve the student in the following process.


In cases where a student has violated school rules outside of the classroom, where a teacher has given detention for tardies yet the student continues to arrive late to class, or where the teacher is no longer able to handle disruptive behavior by a student within the classroom, a “Report of Misconduct” is written and given to the Dean of Discipline. Reports are handled by the Deans according to the Steps of Increasing Severity.

Steps of Increasing Severity

Step 1: One-Hour Dean Detention

(note sent home and signed by parent)

Step 2: Two-Hour Dean Detention

(note sent home and signed by parent)

Step 3: Three-Hour Dean Detention

(note sent home and signed by parent)

Step 4: Disciplinary Referral Sent Home 

Four-Hour Dean Detention or Saturday at Dean’s discretion.

(referral/detention sent home and signed by parent)

Step 5: Disciplinary Probation (Contract signed by parent) 

Parent Conference - Suspension pending conference 

Saturday Detention

Step 6: Suspension and Possible Referral to the Discipline Board

Step 7: Referral to the Discipline Board

The Steps of Increasing Severity are followed in order ONLY for those violations not subject to probation or immediate dismissal on the first infraction. (See Disciplinary Actions)

There are a few exceptions to the detention schedule listed under the Steps of Increasing Severity. Specifically, students who are called to the Dean’s Office due to unexcused tardies will receive at least the hours listed under the step. They will receive more than the listed hours if their number of tardies calls for a higher number of detention hours, at the rate of one hour per teacher referral. In addition, students who commit any of the following violations will receive an automatic Saturday Detention on the first such violation:

  • Not checking in at the Attendance Office before going to class when arriving at school after 8:30 a.m. (or 15 minutes after the start of the first class block)
  • Violating student parking lot rules and expectations as stipulated in the student handbook and on the Parking Permit Application Form
  • Missing a dean’s detention for any reason without prior approval from the dean
  • Being in the Student Activity Center without authorization and/or not on official business
  • Not reporting to school in formal Mass attire on scheduled school Mass days


As part of the discipline process, students work for the school community through detention hours. There are five types of detentions:

Tardy Detentions - A description of tardy detention policies and procedures may be found in the Attendance section.

Teacher Detentions - A teacher may give detention for any violation that is liable to detention according to the Discipline actions set forth by the school. A 24-hour notice must be given. Detentions are given at a time convenient for the teacher. If the student fails to show for detention for other than a serious reason or if further infractions occur, the student is referred to the Dean.

One-Hour Dean Detentions - One Hour Dean Detentions are held after school. Detentions begin 15 minutes after the last bell rings and end 50 minutes later. Parents will be notified in writing when their son or daughter is to report for a detention period. If a student does not appear for the assigned period, the number of periods is doubled. Failure to appear a second time will result in further action.

Two, Three and Four-Hour Dean Detentions - The number of hours a student must serve increases with each reported violation according to the Steps of Increasing Severity. These hours must be served at an after school Dean Detention session. The Dean may assign a student to work for a specific teacher. In that case, it is up to the student who is serving the detention to get verification of the hours served.

Saturday Detentions - Saturday detentions are held on Saturday mornings for three hours. They are given according to the Steps of Increasing Severity as a consequence for failing to follow Attendance Office Procedures, missing a Dean’s detention without prior notification or violating school policies. A student who has a valid reason for not serving detention on the assigned Saturday may serve on the subsequent Saturday provided prior approval is obtained from their Dean. Unexcused absence from a Saturday detention is a violation that will result in further disciplinary action.


Removing a student from the ordinary educational environment is necessary when the behavior of the student is potentially disruptive or dangerous to other members of the school community, when time is needed to correct or review a problem that has developed, or when a required parent conference is pending. When a student is suspended, the parents will be notified. If the student must leave school due to the suspension, the student will be kept on campus during school hours until the parents or guardians come to claim the student. 

There are two types of suspensions:

In-House Suspension - the student is kept from class until a dress code violation is corrected, a determination is made regarding the student’s actual violation of school policy or until a parent/guardian can get come to pick up the student.

At-Home Suspension - The student does not come to school pending a parent conference with the Dean of Discipline or resolution of a disciplinary situation. Parents are required to make sure that their child remains at home while suspended from school in this manner. The school authorities may call at any time during the school day to check on a student’s presence at home. The parents may be held responsible if the student is not there.


Probation refers to a period of time during which a student’s behavior is subject to continuous evaluation by a Dean of Discipline to determine the right to remain at Bishop Amat High School, according to a contractual agreement. The terms of the probation contract refer to all items of behavior and attitude as covered in Lancer Life. The contract is signed by the parents and the student, and witnessed by the Dean of Discipline, or the Vice Principal, during a parent conference that is held to review the discipline record of the student and explain the terms of the contract. There are two types of disciplinary probation:

Standard Disciplinary Probation - A Dean of Discipline places students on Disciplinary Probation when they have received enough referrals to place them at Step 6 of the Steps of Increasing Severity or have committed a single offense that, as its own consequence, makes them liable to Probation. A violation of any term of the probation contract may result in the student being asked to withdraw from school or being required to appear before the Discipline Board.

Strict Disciplinary Probation - A student may be placed on Strict Disciplinary Probation as the result of a recommendation made to the Principal by the Discipline Board. This occurs when there has been a serious violation of school regulations, but, according to specific circumstances, the violation is determined to be insufficient to warrant immediate dismissal. Any violation of the specific terms of strict probation results in the student’s immediate withdrawal from the school. Strict probation will be followed by a probation period. 


The Discipline Board, composed of appointed faculty members, convenes when a student commits a serious violation of the Discipline Code or accumulates violations against the code, in spite of prior disciplinary actions administered according to the Steps of Increasing Severity. The purpose of the Board is to make recommendations to the Principal concerning a student’s status with the school. The Discipline Board may recommend terms of strict probation, withdrawal from the school, or expulsion from the school. Meetings of the Board are called, as needed, by the Vice Principal after consulting with the Dean of Discipline. At least one parent or guardian must be present with the student. The student may also request that his/her counselor or another teacher be present at the meeting. Legal counsel is not allowed to be present at the meeting of the school’s Discipline Board.

The results of a Discipline Board are reviewed with the school Principal and are communicated to the parent by the Vice Principal. Appeals to that decision are made through the Vice Principal to the school President whose decision is final. Any appeal should be made based on new information that was not previously considered by the Board.