Christian Service
Christian Service Projects
Each year students will complete at least 20 hours of Christian Service. In order to receive credit for the project, students must fulfill all the requirements, responsibilities, and commitments of a volunteer to the satisfaction of their supervisor/teacher. Students may count service done over the previous summer, as long as verification can be obtained. An organization or service activity that doesn't fit any of the three categories described below must be approved by the Christian Service Moderator or Campus Minister BEFORE students may complete their service. Only one of a student’s yearly service projects may be *indirect service, as defined later. Students need to participate in at least one project from each of the following three categories :
- Bishop Amat School Community Service Project - Students will be involved in service that takes place at Bishop Amat or through programs offered by Christian Service. The Community Service Project may also be completed through a club project or athletic team project.
- Faith Based Community Service - Students will be involved in service that takes place through their own faith community, a neighboring faith community, or a faith- based institution or school.
- Community Based Service - Students will be involved in a form of service that reaches out to the local community.
Students need to participate in one of the various school wide drives. How much students give is up to them; we only ask that they contribute to the drives.
Daily Christian Service
Being a disciple of Christ is not a weekly or occasional practice; rather it is a way of life. In fact the earliest name given to Christians was “People of the Way.” Early Christians often went against the grain of society, especially in their generous treatment of those in need of help. Christian Service is more than just a requirement to be checked off; it is a daily calling. In order to help the student reflect on this, we ask that students select one of the Corporal Works of Mercy and one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy to focus on during the the school year. At the end of the year we will ask the students to reflect on their experience living out the Works of Mercy that they selected.
For each project, the student writes a reflection on his/her experience. This is found on the back of the verification sheet.
Make A Difference
Giving back to the community is more important than ever.
Find ways to volunteer by clicking below.