LATIN I (CSU/UC) (two semesters; all students)
PREREQUISITES: Select freshmen who earn 60% or higher in the Language section of the HSPT are eligible; signatures of current language teacher and Latin teacher are required for those who have completed two years of study of Spanish or French. The goals of this class are to introduce students to the basics of the Latin language and to improve their language skills in general. Students concentrate on learning vocabulary, inflectional patterns of different parts of speech, and rules of agreement. Students also translate Latin sentences into English and connected Latin prose passages of moderate complexity that deal with Greek myth. Students are encouraged to reflect on the ways in which Latin expresses concepts differently from English. Explorations into Roman History, geography, mythology, and culture complement the linguistic aspects of the course.
LATIN II (CSU/UC) (two semesters; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
PREREQUISITE: Passing grade in Latin I After a review of the material learned in Latin 1, students approach the study of forms and structures that characterize complex Latin writing: participles, the subjunctive mood and its uses, and indirect discourse. Adapted Latin readings during the first semester deal with the legends and history of Rome, focusing on Roman values, ethics and political ideals. By the second semester, students read authentic excerpts from various Latin authors. IB
LATIN HL 1 (CSU/UC) (two semesters; Juniors, Seniors; WEIGHTED)
PREREQUISITE: B- in Latin II While continuing to improve their facility with Latin grammar and syntax, students begin their study of authors featured in the IB curriculum. Students translate extensively from the Metamorphoses of Ovid to prepare for the IB translation exam (Paper 1). Careful attention is paid to the limits of translations in conveying all the meanings contained in the original language. They also study texts they will encounter on the thematic portion of the IB exam (Paper 2). Students work toward gaining an understanding of the literary devices and social context that is necessary for accurately comprehending and appreciating these texts. SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED.
FRENCH I (CSU/UC) (two semesters; all students)
This course introduces the student to the language and works to develop the skills of speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension with brief glimpses into French culture.
FRENCH II (CSU/UC) (two semesters; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
PREREQUISITE: Passing grade in French I The second year reviews the studies in French I and studies further the basics of grammar and pronunciation. There is a greater emphasis on composition, oral and written, more practice in conversation, and a deeper study of French culture.
SPANISH I (CSU/UC) (two semesters; all students)
This course is designed to develop the student’s ability in the basic language skills: listening, comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. The course also introduces students to Spanish and Latin-American cultures.
ACCELERATED SPANISH I (CSU/UC) (two semesters; qualified Freshmen)
PREREQUISITE: This course is recommended for those students who can understand and/or speak Spanish; Placement test required. This course covers the same contents as Spanish I and Spanish II. In this class, some of the instruction is conducted in Spanish. In addition, a great emphasis will be placed on learning to write in Spanish, grammar, structure, and speaking.
SPANISH II (CSU/UC) (two semesters; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
PREREQUISITE: C- in Spanish I; Students receiving a 1st or 2nd semester D or F must take Spanish I make-up in Summer 28School in order to qualify for this course. This course continues the study of the language with study of the essentials of pronunciation and grammar. There is greater emphasis on oral and written composition, practice in conversation, and insight into Spanish and Latin-American cultures.
ACCELERATED SPANISH II (CSU/UC) (two semesters; qualified students)
PREREQUISITE: B- in Accelerated Spanish I This course presents more in-depth studies of structures which lead to a more precise use of various points of grammar and style. A greater emphasis is placed on oral communication, the use of verb tenses, reading and writing. The student will learn various aspects of Spanish and Latin-American countries. This course prepares students for AP Spanish in the following year.
SPANISH III (CSU/UC) (two semesters; Juniors, Seniors)
PREREQUISITE: B- in Spanish II This course places emphasis on increased facility to read, write and speak the language. This class will be taught with an emphasis on speaking Spanish. Review and mastery of essential structures lead to a more precise use of various points of grammar and style. The student comes in contact with various aspects of Spanish and Latin-American countries through this study.
SPANISH SHORT STORY & COMPOSITION (pending CSU/UC) (two semesters; qualified Seniors; )
PREREQUISITE: C in Spanish III or concurrent enrollment in Spanish III. This course is designed to help students strengthen their writing and critical thinking skills in Spanish. This course can be taken on its own or alongside Spanish III (in the second semester), AP Spanish Language and Culture, and IB Spanish in order to provide students with more practice opportunities to better their Spanish skills. Students will have the opportunity to read classic and contemporary hispanic short stories and also work on creating their own creative piece in Spanish.