ART I (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; Select Freshmen; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) Students will learn the basic elements and principals of visual art forms by working with two-dimensional assignments. Exposure to such media as pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, pastels, and watercolors will be provided. Students will also receive an overview of art history and knowledge of art appreciation. Freshman students must complete Freshman Composition during summer school prior to taking this course. SUPPLY AND BOOK RENTAL FEE CHARGED.
ART II (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; Select Sophomores; Juniors, Seniors) PREREQUISITES: B in Art I This special art course is for advanced art students. This multi-media class will build upon concepts and skills learned in Art I. Students are required to maintain a weekly sketchbook. An in-depth analysis and research of art history will be included. SUPPLY FEE CHARGED.
DIGITAL ART & DESIGN (two semester elective; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) PREREQUISITE: C in Digital Literacy; B in Art I This class focuses on the artistic and technical aspects of Design. Student will learn visual communication techniques and create project sin Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Animate. It also emphasizes narrative media as a major aspect of Design. Students will explore advanced techniques and apply them to advanced design projects.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) PREREQUISITES: C in Digital Literacy; B in Art I Students will experiment with digital photographic equipment, digital photographic manipulation, image making or manipulating equipment, elements of art and principles of design/art ideas and concepts to create photographic and/or digital art images. Professional design software such Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate and InDesign will be used. SUPPLY FEE, USB DRIVE, DIGITAL PHONE AND/OR SLR CAMERA REQUIRED.
AP STUDIO ART (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; selected Juniors, Seniors; WEIGHTED) PREREQUISITES: Art I; A- in Art II; TEACHER SIGNATURE REQUIRED. This art course is for highly motivated students who are seriously interested in the study of art. The quality and breadth of the artwork produced should reflect first year college level standards; therefore work outside the classroom and beyond the scheduled class period is essential. Reading and critical analysis with written and oral responses will be required. Maintaining a sketchbook is required. Students will submit a portfolio to the College Board for evaluation that may also be used for admission to an art college. SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED. SUPPLY AND EXAM FEE CHARGED.
ART HISTORY (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) This course will allow students to analyze the historical development of visual art produced from the prehistoric period through contemporary time. Oral and written assignments requiring students to review and analyze works of art in historical context are a component of the course, enabling students to develop higher thinking skills.
AP ART HISTORY (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semester elective; Sophomore, Junior, Senior; WEIGHTED) PREREQUISITE: B- in Honors English and History or B in English or History. This course is an in-depth analysis of the historical development of visual art produced during the prehistoric period to contemporary times. Oral and written assignments requiring students to review and analyze works of art in historical context are a component of this course and will enable the students to perform higher thinking skills and prepare for the Advanced Placement examination in May. EXAM FEE CHARGED
IB VISUAL ARTS SL (CSU / UC VPA approved) (two semesters; Juniors) PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Art I; completion of IB application process; TEACHER SIGNATURE REQUIRED This course is designed for the highly motivated second year art student who is willing to adopt art as a lifestyle and commit to total involvement. Students in the IB Diploma Program and/or those developing their own skills and style of art are encouraged to enroll in this course. The course involves a combination of comparative study, portfolio construction and an exhibition/interview of completed works. Class sessions beyond the scheduled class time will be required. SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED. SUPPLY AND EXAM FEE CHARGED.